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Publications and talks


  • Plag, Ingo. 2020. Morpho-phonetics : The role of the acoustic signal in morphology. Invited Lecture. University of Sussex, June 2022.
  • Plag, Ingo. 2020. Morpho-phonetics : The role of the acoustic signal in morphology. Invited Lecture. International Society of Experimental Linguistics, December 17, 2021. Available also on YouTube.
  • Plag, Ingo. 2020. Plenarvortrag: Authentic speech data and linguistic theory: chances and challenges, Workshop English Corpus Phonetics and Phonology at ICAME 2020, Heidelberg, May 2020.
  • Plag, Ingo. 2017. Plenarvortrag:  How morphological structure affects phonetic encoding.  First International Symposium of Morphology, Lille, December 2017.
  • Plag, Ingo. 2017. Plenarvortrag: Beyond morpho-phonology: Phonetic detail and morphological structure. Old World Conference on Phonology 2017, Düsseldorf, February 2017.
  • Plag, Ingo. 2016. An S is an S is an S, or is it?: On the pronunciation of complex words. Netzwerktagung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 29. February – 02. March 2016.
  • Plag, Ingo. 2015. 'Spoken Morphology'. Lecture series, Laboratoire d'Excellence 'Empirical Foundations of Linguistics', Université Paris 5 Diderot, Sept./Oct 2015. 

ART: The articulation of morphologically complex words

  • Tomaschek, F., Ramscar, M. & Nixon, J. S. 2024. The keys to the future? An examination of statistical versus discriminative sccounts of serial pattern learning. Cognitive Science 48(2), e13404. https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13404
  • Nieder J., van de Vijver R. & Tomaschek F. 2022. "All mimsy were the borogoves" – a discriminative learning model of morphological knowledge in pseudo-wordinflection. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2022.2127805
  • Lõo K., Tomaschek, F., Lippus, P. & Tucker, B. V. 2022. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic effects in Estonian spontaneous speech. Language and Speech.
  • Arndt-Lappe S., Schrecklinger R. and Tomaschek F.  2022. Modelling English stress assignment from orthography with Naıve Discriminative Learning: Morphological and Structural Effects. Morphology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-022-09399-9
  • Tomaschek, F. & Domahs, U. & Domahs, F. 2023. "Modelling German Word Stress", Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.9015
  • Tomaschek, F. and Ramscar, M.  2022. Understanding the phonetic characteristics of speech under uncertainty - Implications of the representation of linguistic knowledge in learning and processing. Frontiers in Psychology 13https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.754395
  • Nixon, J. and Tomaschek, F. (forthcoming). Does speech comprehension require phonemes? Chapter in Díaz-Campos, M. and Balasch S. `The Handbook of Usage-Based Linguistics'. Wiley Blackwell Publishing.
  • Tucker, B. and Tomaschek, F. (forthcoming). Speech Production: Where does morphology fit? Chapter 6. Crepaldi, D. (Ed.). Linguistic Morphology in the Mind and Brain. Routledge.
  • Sering, K., Tomaschek, F. and Saito, M. 2021. Anticipatory coarticulation in predictive articula-tory speech modeling, in 'Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalver-arbeitung 2021, TUDpress, Dresden. http://www.essv.de/essv2021/pdfs/30_sering.pdf
  • Nieder, J., Tomaschek, F., Cohrs, E., & de Vijver, R. V.  2021.
    Modelling Maltese noun plural classes without morphemes. 
    Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23273798.2021.1977835
  • Tomaschek, Fabian,  Denis Arnold, Jacoline van Rij, Benjamin V. Tucker, Konstantin Sering & Michael Ramscar. 2021. Articulatory variability is reduced by repetition and predictability.  Language and Speech. Vol 64, Issue 3. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0023830920948552
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin V. Tucker. 2021. The role of coarticulatory acoustic detail in the perception of verbal inflection. JASA Express Letters 1, 085201. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0005761
  • Saito, Motoki,  Fabian Tomaschek, Ching-Chu Sun, R. Harald Baayen. 2021. An ultrasound study of frequency and co-articulation. In Philip Rubin (Ed) Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production. New Haven, CT, USA: Haskins Press
  • Saito, Motoki,  Fabian Tomaschek, R. Harald Baayen. 2021. Relative functional load determines co-articulatory movements of the tongue tip. In Philip Rubin (Ed) Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production. New Haven, CT, USA: Haskins Press
  • Jessie S. Nixon, Fabian Tomaschek. 2021. Prediction and error in early infant speech learning: A speech acquisition model. Cognition, Volume 212, 104697. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104697
  • Tomaschek, Fabian &  Ruben van de Vijver. 2021. Special Issue: Phonological and phonetic variation in spoken morphology. Morphology, 31(2), 83-86. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-021-09376-8
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin Tucker, Michael Ramscar & R. Harald Baayen. 2021. Paradigmatic enhancement of stem vowels in regular English inflected verb forms.  Morphology 31171–199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-021-09374-w.
  • Sering T. and Tomaschek F. 2020. Comparing KEC recordings with resynthesized EMA data, in "Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2020, TUDpress,Dresden". http://www.essv.de/paper.php?id=441
  • Nixon, J. & Tomaschek, F. 2020. Learning from the Acoustic Signal: Error-Driven Learning of Low-Level Acoustics Discriminates Vowel and Consonant Pairs, in 'Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society', Vol. 42, pp. 585 — 591. https://cognitivesciencesociety.org/cogsci20/papers/0105/index.html
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Ingo Plag, Harald Baayen & Mirjam Ernestus. 2019. Phonetic effects of morphology and context: Modeling the duration of word-final S in English with naïve discriminative learning. Journal of Linguistics, p. 1–39. 
  • Tucker, Benjamin, Michelle Sims, R. Harald Baayen. 2019. Opposing forces on acoustic duration. Psyarxiv.  https://psyarxiv.com/jc97w
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin Tucker & R. Harald Baayen. 2018. Practice makes perfect: The consequences of lexical proficiency for articulation. Linguistic Vanguard, 4 (s2). 
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Denis Arnold, Franziska Bröker & R. Harald Baayen. 2018. Lexical frequency co-determines the speed-curvature relation in articulation. Journal of Phonetics. 68, p. 103-116.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin Tucker, Martijn Wieling & R. Harald Baayen. 2014. Vowel articulation affected by word frequency. 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP). Cologne.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Martijn Wieling, Denis Arnold & R. Harald Baayen. 2013. Word frequency, vowel length and vowel quality in speech production: an EMA study of the importance of experience. Interspeech. Lyon.
  • Baayen, Harald & Susanne Gahl. 2022. Time and thyme again: Connecting spoken word duration to models of the mental lexicon. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Lõo, Kaidi, Fabian Tomaschek, Pärtel Lippus & Benjamin Tucker. 2022. Paradigmatic and syntagmatic influences on Estonian spontaneous speech production. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Lõo, Kaidi, Pärtel Lippus, Benjamin Tucker & Fabian Tomaschek. 2022. Perception and written production of case-inflected nouns in Estonian spontaneous speech. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Saito, Motoki, Fabian Tomaschek & Harald Baayen. 2022. Frequency of use and the articulation of vowels in matched morphologically simple and complex words: an EMA study. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Saito, Motoki, Fabian Tomaschek & Harald Baayen. 2022. Articulatory effect of morphological complexity without morphemes: Semantics all the way down. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Fabian Tomaschek & Benjamin Tucker. 2022. Function of coarticulatory detail in the timing of morphological processing. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Saito, Motoki, Fabian Tomaschek, Harald Baayen. 2021. Triphone meanings co-determine tongue shape during articulation: An ultrasound studyEberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 10 March, 2021.
  • Motoki Saito, Fabian Tomaschek, Harald Baayen. 2020. Relative functional load determines co-articulatory movements of the tongue tip (Originally: Semantic measures determining coarticulatory movements of the tongue tip). 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP2020), 18 December, 2020. (Video of the presentation)
  • Motoki Saito, Fabian Tomaschek, Ching-Chu Sun, Harald Baayen. 2020. An ultrasound study of frequency and coarticulation. 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP2020). 18 December, 2020. (Video of the presentation)
  • Motoki Saito, Fabian Tomashek, Harald Baayen. 2020. Co-articulation between stem vowels and suffixes: semantics all the way downWords in the World International Conference 2020, 16-18 October, 2020.
  • Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Robin Schrecklinger and Fabian Tomaschek. 2020. Stratification effects without morphological strata, syllable counting effects without actual counts, and what’s in a trigram? – A simulation study of English stress with naïve discriminative learning. 19th International Morphology Meeting. 6-8 February 2020, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria.
  • Fabian Tomaschek & Jessie S. Nixon. 2020. Learning theory as linguistic theory. Linguistic Evidence 2020, University of Tübingen, Germany.
  • Saito, Motoki, Fabian Tomashek, Ching-Chu Sun & Harald Baayen. 2019. "Using ultrasound imaging to trace the effect of frequency on the articulation of the stems of inflected words". International Morphological Processing Conference, 4-7 November 2019, University of Tübingen.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin V. Tucker & Harald Baayen. 2018. "Effects of Practice on Anticipatory Coarticulation in Suffixed Verbs". Poster presented at Eleventh International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, 25-28 September 2018, Edmonton, Canada.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Ingo Plag, Harald Baayen & Mirjam Ernestus. 2018. "How Morphological Structure Affects Phonetic Encoding: Modeling the Duration of Morphemic and Non-morphemic S". Eleventh International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, 25-28 September 2018, Edmonton, Canada.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian; Ernestus, Mirjam; Plag, Ingo; Baayen, R. Harald. 2018. "How learning morpho-phonological relations affects phonetic encoding: Modeling the duration of morphemic and non-morphemic S". Presentation at the 49th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, AG 1: Variation and phonetic detail in spoken morphology, 7-9 March, Stuttgart.(https://www.dgfs2018.uni-stuttgart.de/arbeitsgruppen/ag-1/)
  • Tomaschek, Fabian. 2018 "How practice and morphology affect articulation". Invited presentation at the University of Lancaster, Linguistics and English Language, 2 March 2018, United Kingdom.
  • Baayen, R. Harald, Fabian Tomaschek, Mirjam Ernestus & Ingo Plag 2017. Explaining the acoustic durations of s in conversational English with naive discriminative learning. Workshop Current Approaches to Morphology, 20 December 2017, Edmonton, Canada.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Ingo Plag, R. Harald Baayen & Mirjam Ernestus. 2017. How morphological structure affects phonetic encoding: Modeling the duration of word-final S using Naive Discriminative Learning. Plenary talk at First International Symposium of Morphology (ISMo), Université de Lille 3, 13-15 December 2017.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian. 2017. "Articulation in monomorphemic and dimorphemic words -- the case of [-aid] words". Presentation at 2nd Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 23-25 August 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian & R. Harald Baayen. 2017. Articulatory patterns of monomorphemic and dimorphemic homophonous words. Paper presented at FOR 2373 'Spoken Morphology' Colloquium Series, July 13, 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian. 2017. "Introduction to the Naive Discriminative Learning Package". Satellite Workshop at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe Meeting, 2017, June 2017, Cologne. (http://pape2017.uni-koeln.de/introduction-to-the-naive-discriminative-learning-package/)
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin V. Tucker. 2017. "Modeling segmental durations using the Naive Discriminative Learner". Presentation at the 39th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, AG 1: Informationstheoretisch basierte Modellierung sprachlicher Variation im Kontext, 8-10 March, Saarbrücken.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Benjamin V. Tucker, R. Harald Baayen. 2016. "Anticipatory raising during the articulation of [A] in American/Canadian English: Exploring inflectional differences, individual differences, and the consequences of the accumulation of articulatory experience". Presentation at 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24–25 August 2016, Düsseldorf.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian. 2016: "Morphological effects in coarticulation - Analyzing articulography using Generalized Additive Models". Presentation at Spoken Morphology Meeting, Düsseldorf.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian. 2016: "Anticipatory coarticulation in morphology - Research Report". Presentation at 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24–25 August 2016, Düsseldorf.
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Denis Arnold, Jacolien van Rij, Konstantin Sering, Harald Baayen. 2016. "Effects of linguistic experience in (co)articulation". Invited presentation at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung (IPS).
  • Tomaschek, Fabian, Denis Arnold, Jacolien van Rij, Konstantin Sering, Harald Baayen. 2016. "Effects of linguistic experience in (co)articulation". Invited presentation at the University of Cambridge, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.

DMC: Dutch morphologically complex words: The role of morphology in speech production and comprehension

  • Müller, H., L. ten Bosch, & M. Ernestus. 2024. The family size effect in visual and auditory word recognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. doi:10.1080/23273798.2024.2337941

  • Müller, H., L. ten Bosch, & M. Ernestus. 2024. Can the Discriminative Lexicon Model account for the family size effect in auditory word recognition? submitted to Nota Bene.

  • Müller, H., L. ten Bosch, & M. Ernestus. 2024. Testing decomposition, full-listing, and dual-route models for morphological processing in visual and auditory word recognition. submitted to Morphology.

  • Zee, T., L. ten Bosch, & M. Ernestus. 2024. Rhythm-affected plural variation in written Dutch. submitted to Morphology.

  • Zee, Tim, Louis ten Bosch, Ingo Plag & Mirjam Ernestus. 2021. Paradigmatic relations interact during the production of complex words: Evidence from variable plurals in DutchFrontiers in Psychology, 12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.720017
  • Müller, Hanno, Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus. 2022. The Family Size Effect in Reading and Hearing. The Mental Lexicon Conference, 11-14 October 2022, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
  • Müller, Hanno, Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus. 2022. How Morphological Family Size Affects Word Recognition in Reading and Hearing. In: Ferstl, E., Konieczny, L., von Stülpnagel, R., Beck, J., and Zacharski, L., (Eds.) (2022). Proceedings of KogWis2022, the 5th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. 5-7 September 2022. doi: 10.6094/UNIFR/229611
  • Müller, Hanno, Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus. 2022. How onset-alignment shapes the auditory family size effect. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Pfeifer, Jasmin, Louis ten Bosch & Mirjam Ernestus. 2022. Morphological structure modulates Dutch and German prefix duration. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Zee, Tim, Louis ten Bosch & Mirjam Ernestus. 2022. Morpho-acoustic analysis of segmentally complex word endings. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Müller, Hanno , Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus. 2021. Dual-Route Model in Auditory Word RecognitionComputational Linguistics in the Netherlands Conference 2021, 9 July 2021, Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Müller, Hanno , Louis ten Bosch, Mirjam Ernestus. 2021. The Role of Morphology in Auditory Word Recognition. Exploring Dutch and English Massive DatabasesInternal Workshop For2373, 18-19 March 2021, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Zee, Tim, Louis ten Bosch, Ingo Plag and Mirjam Ernestus. 2020. Paradigmatic effects on the production of Dutch variable plurals. Words in the World International Conference 2020, 16-18 October 2020.
  • Zee, Tim, Louis ten Bosch, Ingo Plag and Mirjam Ernestus. 2019. Morphological effects on the acoustics of word-final /s/. Dag van de Fonetiek 2019, 13 December 2019.
  • Zee, Tim. 2019. "Morphological effects on the acoustics of Dutch /s/". 15. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung. 26-27 September 2019, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.


ENGS: Final S in English: The role of acoustic detail in morphological processing and learning

  • Baer-Henney, D. & D. Schmitz. (August  2023). Learning morphology with the help of subphonemic detail? Presentation at 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Baer-Henney, D. & D. Schmitz. (June  2023). Die Learning to distinguish morphological categories based on subphonemic detail? Presentation at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  • Schmitz, D., Baer-Henney, D. & I. Plag. 2022.  Morphological processing is affected by subphonemic detail. Poster at LabPhon 18. Whova Online Conference.
  • Engemann, M., Schmitz, D., Plag, I. & D. Baer-Henney. 2022. Morpho-phonetic detail can be perceived: Evidence from stems and suffixes. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Dinah Baer-Henney & Ingo Plag. 2022. Listeners make use of subphonemic information in comprehension. Poster presented at 18. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung, 6-7 October 2022, Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2022. Morpho-phonetic detail influences listeners' comprehension. 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 19-22 May 2022, University of the Aegean, Greece.
  • Engemann, Marie, Dominic Schmitz, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2022. Morpho-phonetic detail can be perceived: Evidence from stems and suffixes. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Marie Engemann, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2022. Subphonemic detail affects morphological processing. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Marie Engemann, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2021. Subtle morpho-phonetic differences in English stems and word-final /s/ influence listeners’ comprehension. Words in the World International Conference 2021. 26-27 November 2021.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Marie Engemann & Ingo Plag. 2021. Are listeners sensitive to morpho-phonetic differences in English stems and word-final /s/? Poster presented at 17. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung. 29-30 September, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2021. Reconsidering pseudowords in morphological research. 5th American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM5). 26-29 August 2021, Ohio State University, OH, USA.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2021. Durational differences of word-final /s/ emerge from the lexicon: Evidence from pseudowords. Poster presented at PaPE: 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe Conference. 21-23 June 2021, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo, Plag & Dinah, Baer-Henney. 2021. The duration of word-final /s/ differs across morphological categories in English: Evidence from pseudowords. Interfaces of Phonetics. 18-19 May 2021, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Hennney. 2021. Modelling word-final /s/ duration in pseudowords with LDL. Internal Workshop FOR2373 "Spoken Morphology". 18-19 March 2021, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2020. Durational differences of homophonous suffixes emerge from the lexicon: Evidence from nonce wordsWords in the World International Conference 2020. 16-18 October 2020.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Plag, Ingo & Baer-Henney, Dinah. 2020. The duration of word-final /s/ across morphological categories in English: Evidence from pseudowords. 16. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung. 10-11 September 2020, Universität Trier, Germany.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2020. Subphonemic differences between different types of /s/ in English: Evidence from pseudowords. UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2020. 28-30 July 2020, Birmingham, England.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2020. What causes subphonemic differences between different types of /s/ in English? Evidence from pseudowords. Poster presented at LabPhon 17: Laboratory Phonology on the Margins. 6-8 July 2020, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Schmitz, Dominic, Ingo Plag & Dinah Baer-Henney. 2020. How real are acoustic differences between different types of final /s/ in English? Evidence from pseudowords. 19th International Morphology Meeting. 6-8 February 2020, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria.

MALT: Maltese plurals: phonotactics, variation and the structure of the mental lexicon

  • Nieder, Jessica & Fabian Tomaschek. 2022. Maltese morphophonology – A merger of two worlds. Poster presented at the Phonetik & Phonologie Tagung im deutschsprachigen Raum (P&P 2022), 6-7 October, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Fabian Tomaschek. 2022. Between two worlds: The case of Maltese morphology. Talk presented at the The Second International Conference on Error-Driven Learning in Language (EDLL2022), 1-3 August, University of Tübingen, Tübingen.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Yu-Ying Chuang, Ruben van de Vijver & Harald Baayen. 2022. Comprehension, production and processing of Maltese noun inflections: A modeling approach using LDL. Poster presented at the Winter(Summer) School 2022: Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception, University of Groningen, Chorin.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Yu-Ying Chuang, Ruben van de Vijver & Harald Baayen. 2022. Maltese noun plural inflections in the discriminative lexicon. Talk presented at the 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 19-22 May, University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Ruben van de Vijver & Fabian Tomaschek. 2022. Insights into Maltese pseudo word inflections – a discriminative model of Semitic morphology. Talk presented at the Workshop on Semitic Morphology at the 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 19-22 May, University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
  • Nieder, Jessica. 2022. Knowledge of Maltese singular-plural mappings: Analogy explains it best. Guest lecture, 25 January 2022, Universität Tübingen.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Fabian Tomaschek & Ruben van de Vijver. 2022. What’s the knowledge in Wug tests? Maltese pseudo word inflection is based on discriminative learning. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Nieder, Jessica. 2022. Knowledge of Maltese singular-plural mappings: Analogy explains it best. Guest lecture, 25 January 2022, Universität Tübingen.
  • Nieder, Jessica. 2021. Insights into a production study on Maltese plurals. Guest lecture, 16 December 2021, Universität Trier.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Fabian Tomaschek & Ruben van de Vijver. 2021. The process behind production: Inflection of Maltese pseudo words is based on discriminative learning. Talk presented at the Words in the World International Conference 2021, 26-27 November, Canada.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Yu-Ying Chuang, Ruben van de Vijver & Harald Baayen. 2021. Computational modeling of Maltese noun inflections using Linear Discriminative Learning. Poster presented at the American International Morphology Meeting, August 26-29, The Ohio State University.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Ruben van de Vijver & Holger Mitterer. 2021. Number marking in Maltese nouns: effects of frequency and structure. Talk presented at the Pre-conference Workshop on Number categories, Vielfaltslinguistik IV, 3 June, Universität Bremen.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Yu-Ying Chuang, Ruben van de Vijver & Harald Baayen. 2021. Modeling Maltese plurals with Linear Discriminative Learning. Internal Workshop FOR2373 "Spoken Morphology". 18-19 March 2021, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Fabian Tomaschek & Ruben van de Vijver. 2021. Modeling Maltese broken and sound plurals with Naive Discriminative Learning. Talk presented at The International Conference on Error-Driven Learning in Language, 10-12 March, Tübingen.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Ruben van de Vijver & Fabian Tomaschek. 2020. Predicting Maltese Plural Patterns with Naive Discriminative Learning. Talk presented at the Words in the World International Conference, 16-18 October, Toronto.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Holger Mitterer & Ruben van de Vijver. 2019. Effects of frequency and morphological structure - Investigating Maltese sound and broken plurals. Guest lecture, 21 November 2019, L-Università ta’ Malta.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Holger Mitterer & Ruben van de Vijver. 2019. Production and processing of Maltese plural nouns. ELC lecture, 30 October 2019, Universität Trier. 
  • Nieder, Jessica, Holger Mitterer & Ruben van de Vijver. 2019. Don’t go breaking my sound (plural). Talk presented at the 7th Lingwistika Maltija, 10 July 2019, Kraków.
  • Nieder, Jessica, Holger Mitterer & Ruben van de Vijver. 2019. Priming Maltese Plural Patterns: Effects of frequency and structure. Poster presented at the 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 27-30 June 2019, Ljubljana.
  • Nieder, Jessica. 2018. Storage of complex words - sound and broken plural in Maltese. Guest lecture, Universität Siegen, December 2018.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Ruben van de Vijver. 2018. Pluralization in the grammar of native speakers: Phonotactics determines singular-plural mapping in Maltese. Talk presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, AG 1: Variation and phonetic detail in spoken morphology, 7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Ruben van de Vijver. 2017. Investigating the plural formation in Maltese with naive discriminative learning. Talk presented in the Linguistics Circle, 1 November 2017, L-Università ta’ Malta.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Ruben van de Vijver. 2017. NDL Modeling of Maltese Plurals and Intuitions of Native Speakers. Talk presented at 2nd Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 23-25 August 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Ruben van de Vijver. 2017. Maltese Plurals: Evidence from a Nonce Word Experiment. Talk presented at 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 22-25 June 2017, University of Cyprus, Nicosia.
  • van de Vijver, Ruben & Jessica Nieder. 2017. Analogy in the Plural System of Maltese. Talk presented at Linguistics Colloquium, 20 June 2017, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Ruben van de Vijver. 2017. Maltese Plurals: Evidence from a Nonce Word Experiment. Talk presented at 6th Lingwistika Maltija Conference, 8-9 June 2017, Comenius University Bratislava.
  • van de Vijver, Ruben & Jessica Nieder. 2017. Analogy in the Plural System of Maltese. Talk presented at Linguistics Colloquium Tel Aviv University, 11 May 2017, Tel Aviv.
  • Nieder, Jessica & Ruben van de Vijver. 2016. Maltese Plurals: A Production Experiment. Talk presented at 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24–25 August 2016, Düsseldorf.

PROC: The online processing of homophonous words

  • Nayernia, Leila, Ruben van de Vijver & Peter Indefrey. 2019. The Influence of Orthography on Phonemic Knowledge: An Experimental Investigation on German and Persian. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, DOI 10.1007/s10936-019-09664-9.


  • Indefrey, Peter & Josephine Thiel. 2022. Evidence for shared lexical word form representations of homophonous words from written word production and comprehension. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Sternke, Katharina & Peter Indefrey. 2021.  Eye tracking evidence for homophone disambiguation based on frequency. Internal Workshop FOR2373 "Spoken Morphology". 18-19 March 2021, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Sternke, Katharina & Peter Indefrey. 2020. Listeners prefer frequency over subphonemic detail – eye tracking evidence from a homophone disambiguation task. Words in the World International Conference 2020. 16-18 October 2020
  • Sternke, Katharina & Peter Indefrey. 2018. Listeners' ability to discriminate between homophone readings. Poster presented at 30th APS Annual Convention, May 24-27 2018, San Francisco, US.
  • Sternke, Katharina & Peter Indefrey. 2018. Listeners' ability to discriminate between homophone readings. Talk presented at mFiL 2018, 26-27 April 2018, Manchester, UK.
  • Hellwig, Frauke & Peter Indefrey. 2017. Homophones and their representations in the mental lexicon. Poster presented at 23rd AMLaP (Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing), 7-9 September 2017, Lancaster, UK.
  • Sternke, Katharina & Peter Indefrey. 2017. Processing of homophonous nouns. Poster presented at 23rd AMLaP (Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing), 7-9 September 2017, Lancaster, UK.
  • Indefrey, Peter, Katharina Sternke-Hoffmann & Frauke Hellwig. 2017. Homophones and their representation in the mental lexicon. Talk presented at 2nd Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 23-25 August 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Hellwig, Frauke & Peter Indefrey. 2017. Homophones and their representations in the mental lexicon. Poster presented at 16th PiF (Psycholinguistics in Flanders), 29-30 May 2017. Louvain, Belgium.
  • Hellwig, Frauke & Peter Indefrey. 2016. Homophones and their frequency effects. Talk presented at 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24–26 August 2016, Düsseldorf. 
  • Sternke, Katharina & Peter Indefrey. 2016. Comprehension of German homophonous nouns. Talk presented at 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24–26 August 2016, Düsseldorf.
  • Hellwig, Frauke & Peter Indefrey. 2016. Homophones and their frequency effects. Talk presented at 37th TABU Day, 3 June 2016, Groningen, The Netherlands.
  • Hellwig, Frauke & Peter Indefrey. 2016. Homophones and their frequency effects. Poster presented at 14th PiF (Psycholinguistics in Flanders), 21–22 May 2015, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium.

PROS: The Prosody of Derived Words in English

2015 - 2018, cf. project 'VSP' for more recent work

  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Sonia Ben Hedia. 2019. Stress in the Family: Reconsidering Stress Preservation. Poster presented at the 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Ljubljana, 27.-30.6.2019.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2018. Stress Variation in English ‑ory Words: New Data on Novel Derivatives. Invited Lecture, Université de Tours, 19.4.2018.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Quentin Dabouis. 2018. Secondary Stress and Morphological Structure - New Evidence from Dictionary and Speech Data. Paper presented at the 18th International Morphology Meeting. Budapest, 10.-13.5.2018.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2018. Stress Variability in English ‑ory Derivatives: A Nonce Word Study. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS),  7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart.
  • Sanz, Javier. 2017. The prosody of derived words. Paper presented at the Manchester University Phonetics Lab, 18 October 2017, Manchester.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2017. Secondary Stress in English Derivatives: Parsing, Prefixes, and Puzzles. Paper presented at the Spoken Morphology Colloquium Series, 11 September 2017.
  • Sanz, Javier & Sabine Arndt-Lappe. 2017. The Prosody of Derived Words in English - New Data and Theoretical Challenges. Paper presented at 2nd Workshop on Spoken Morphology. 23-25 August 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2017. Variable Stresses in English Morphophonology. Invited talk, Universität des Saarlandes, 25 July 2017, Saarbrücken.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2017. Stress Variability in English -able and -ory Adjectives: Markedness, Faithfulness, and Usage. 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 21-25 June 2017, Nicosia (Cyprus).
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2017. Stress Variation in English Complex Adjectives. 25th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 25-27 May 2017, Manchester.
  • Sanz, Javier. 2017. Chung’s generalization predicts long retraction in English non-derived words. Mfm 25 Fringe Meeting, 24 May 2017, Manchester.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2017. Célebratory, celébratory, or celebrátory? - Unanalýsable? Stress Variability in English Complex Adjectives. Invited paper, Linguistic Research Afternoon, 26 April 2017, Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge).
  • Sanz Álvarez, Javier. 2017. Lexical storage vs. phonological computation: a case study of stress variation in English -(at)ory derivatives. Old World Conference on Phonology, 19.–22 February 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. Variable stresses in English complex adjectives. Paper presented at the English Linguistics Circle, 18 January 2017, Trier Universität.
  • Sanz, Javier. A production experiment on English stress. Paper presented at the Spoken Morphology Colloquium Series,  3 November 2016, Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2016. Unexpected Stresses in English Derivation: Exceptionally Variable or Variably Exceptional? 4th conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, 18–21 September 2016, Poznan.
  • Sanz, Javier & Sabine Arndt-Lappe. Stress variation in English -ory derivatives. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24-26 August 2016,  Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Sanz, Javier. Stress variation in English complex words: from data to analysis. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Phonology and Morphology,  27 June 2016, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Sanz Álvarez, Javier. 2016. Stress variation in English complex words. ELC, 11 May 2016, Universität Trier.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2015. Réspiratory, respíratory oder rèspirátory - unanalýsable? Zur Variabilität der Betonung morphologisch komplexer Adjektive im Englischen. Invited paper, Phonologiekolloquium der Universität Frankfurt, 30 November 2015.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2015. Prosodic Faithfulness and Variation in Stress Assignment in English Derivation. Paper presented at 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 2–5 September 2015, Leiden.
  • Sanz, Javier. The prosody of derived words in English. Paper presented at the Spoken Morphology Colloquium Series, 20 January 2015.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Sonia Ben Hedia. 2019. Stress in the Family: Reconsidering Stress Preservation. Poster presented at the 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Ljubljana, 27.-30.6.2019.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2018. Stress Variation in English ‑ory Words: New Data on Novel Derivatives. Invited Lecture, Université de Tours, 19.4.2018.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Quentin Dabouis. 2018. Secondary Stress and Morphological Structure - New Evidence from Dictionary and Speech Data. Paper presented at the 18th International Morphology Meeting. Budapest, 10.-13.5.2018.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2018. Stress Variability in English ‑ory Derivatives: A Nonce Word Study. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS),  7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart.
  • Sanz, Javier. 2017. The prosody of derived words. Paper presented at the Manchester University Phonetics Lab, 18 October 2017, Manchester.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2017. Secondary Stress in English Derivatives: Parsing, Prefixes, and Puzzles. Paper presented at the Spoken Morphology Colloquium Series, 11 September 2017.
  • Sanz, Javier & Sabine Arndt-Lappe. 2017. The Prosody of Derived Words in English - New Data and Theoretical Challenges. Paper presented at 2nd Workshop on Spoken Morphology. 23-25 August 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2017. Variable Stresses in English Morphophonology. Invited talk, Universität des Saarlandes, 25 July 2017, Saarbrücken.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2017. Stress Variability in English -able and -ory Adjectives: Markedness, Faithfulness, and Usage. 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 21-25 June 2017, Nicosia (Cyprus).
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2017. Stress Variation in English Complex Adjectives. 25th Manchester Phonology Meeting, 25-27 May 2017, Manchester.
  • Sanz, Javier. 2017. Chung’s generalization predicts long retraction in English non-derived words. Mfm 25 Fringe Meeting, 24 May 2017, Manchester.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2017. Célebratory, celébratory, or celebrátory? - Unanalýsable? Stress Variability in English Complex Adjectives. Invited paper, Linguistic Research Afternoon, 26 April 2017, Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge).
  • Sanz Álvarez, Javier. 2017. Lexical storage vs. phonological computation: a case study of stress variation in English -(at)ory derivatives. Old World Conference on Phonology, 19.–22 February 2017, Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. Variable stresses in English complex adjectives. Paper presented at the English Linguistics Circle, 18 January 2017, Trier Universität.
  • Sanz, Javier. A production experiment on English stress. Paper presented at the Spoken Morphology Colloquium Series,  3 November 2016, Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Javier Sanz. 2016. Unexpected Stresses in English Derivation: Exceptionally Variable or Variably Exceptional? 4th conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, 18–21 September 2016, Poznan.
  • Sanz, Javier & Sabine Arndt-Lappe. Stress variation in English -ory derivatives. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Spoken Morphology, 24-26 August 2016,  Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Sanz, Javier. Stress variation in English complex words: from data to analysis. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Phonology and Morphology,  27 June 2016, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Sanz Álvarez, Javier. 2016. Stress variation in English complex words. ELC, 11 May 2016, Universität Trier.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2015. Réspiratory, respíratory oder rèspirátory - unanalýsable? Zur Variabilität der Betonung morphologisch komplexer Adjektive im Englischen. Invited paper, Phonologiekolloquium der Universität Frankfurt, 30 November 2015.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2015. Prosodic Faithfulness and Variation in Stress Assignment in English Derivation. Paper presented at 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 2–5 September 2015, Leiden.
  • Sanz, Javier. The prosody of derived words in English. Paper presented at the Spoken Morphology Colloquium Series, 20 January 2015.

VAR: Morpho-phonetic variation in English

Associated Projects

EMB: Morphological embedding and phonetic reduction

Kunter, Gero & Ingo Plag. 2016. Morphological embedding and phonetic reduction: The case of triconstituent compounds. Morphology 26(2), pp. 201-227.


PWC: The Phonetics of Word Class and its Representation in the Lexicon

  • Arne Lohmann & Benjamin V. Tucker. 2021. Testing the storage of prosody-induced phonetic detail via auditory lexical decision – a case study of noun/verb homophones. The Mental Lexicon, Vol. 16 (Issue 1), pp. 133-164. https://doi.org/10.1075/ml.19025.loh
  • Arne Lohmann. 2020. Nouns and verbs in the speech signal: Are there phonetic correlates of grammatical category? Linguistics, Vol. 58 (Issue 6), pp. 1877-1911. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2020-0249
  • Arne Lohmann. 2020. No acoustic correlates of grammatical class – A critical re-examination of Sereno & Jongman (1995). Phonetica. doi.org/10.1159/000506138
  • Ingo Plag, Sonia Ben Hedia, Arne Lohmann & Julia Zimmermann. 2020. An <s> is an <s’>, or is it? Plural and genitive-plural are not homophonous. In Livia Körtvélyessy & Pavel Stekauer (eds.) Complex Words. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Arne Lohmann & Erin Conwell. 2020. Phonetic effects of grammatical category: How category-specific prosodic phrasing and token frequency impact the acoustic realization of nouns and verbs. Journal of Phonetics, 78, 100939. doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2019.100939
  • Arne Lohmann. 2018. Cut(N) and cut(V) are not homophones -Lemma frequency affects the duration of noun-verb conversion pairs. Journal of Linguistics 54(4), 753-777. doi.org/10.1017/S0022226717000378   
  • Arne Lohmann. 2018. Time and thyme are NOT homophones: a closer look at Gahl’s work on the lemma frequency effect including  a reanalysis. Language 94(2), e180-e190. doi.org/10.1353/lan.2018.0032   
  • Arne Lohmann. 2017. Phonological properties of word classes and directionality in conversion. Word Structure 10(2), 204-234. doi.org/10.3366/word.2017.0108

        (For further information please see also www.arnelohmann.net)

  • Ingo Plag, Arne Lohmann, Sonia Ben Hedia & Julia Zimmermann. 2020. What is the difference between boys and boys’? The phonetics of plural vs. genitive-plural in English, 19th International Morphology Meeting, Wien, 6.-8. Februar 2020.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2020. Acoustic evidence for a category-specific metrical schema? – An extended replication of Sereno & Jongman’s (1995) reading study of noun-verb homophones, 19th International Morphology Meeting, Wien, 6.-8. Februar 2020.
  • Ingo Plag,  Sonia Ben Hedia, Arne Lohmann & Julia Zimmermann 2019. What is the difference between boys and boys’? The phonetics of plural vs. genitive-plural in English, MoProc Tübingen, 4.-7. November 2019.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2019. No acoustic evidence for a category-specific metrical schema – An extended replication of Sereno & Jongman (1995), 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Ljubljana, 29. Juni 2019.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2019. Acoustic correlates of lexical stress – Investigating the role of grammatical category. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien, 17. Mai 2019.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2018. No acoustic correlates of grammatical class- Failure to replicate Sereno & Jongman (1995). 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, 28. September 2018.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2018. Category-specific prosodic phrasing and lemma frequency affect the acoustic realization of noun-verb homophones – Converging evidence between corpus and experimental data. Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English 5, London, 19. Juli 2018.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2017. English Noun/Verb homophones - accounting for differences in acoustic realization. University of Alberta Phonetics Laboratory, 20 September 2017.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2017. Lemma frequency affects the duration of homographic noun/verb conversion “homophones.” Poster presented at 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston, 25-29 June 2017.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2017. Noun/Verb homophones in English - accounting for differences in acoustic realization in spontaneous speech. Invited paper, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 12 May 2017, Universität Wien.
  • Lohmann, Arne. 2016. The acoustic realization of English Noun/Verb 'homophones' in spontaneous speech. Poster presentation at LINGUNITE RWTH Aachen, 14 October 2016.

VSP Variable stress patterns in English: Inter-individual differences and the nature of the morphology-phonology interface

  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine, Robin Schrecklinger & Fabian Tomaschek. 2021.
    Stratification effects without morphological strata, syllable counting
    without counts - Modelling English stress assignment with Naive
    Discriminative Learning. Revision invited by Morphology.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Sebastian Hoffmann. 2021. Comparing approaches to
    phonological and orthographic corpus formats: Revisiting the Principle
    of Rhythmic Alternation. To appear in Ole Schützler & Julia Schlüter (eds.), Comparative Approaches to Data and Methods in Corpus Linguistics.
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Miriam Ernestus. 2020a. Morphology-phonology interaction. In Vito Pirelli, Ingo Plag & Wolfgang U. Dressler (Hgg.), Word Knowledge and Word Usage: A Cross-Disciplinary Guide to the Mental Lexicon. 191–227, Berlin & New York: de Gruyter Mouton.
  • Alber, Birgit & Sabine Arndt-Lappe. 2020b. Morphology and metrical structure. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (Morphology), ed. by Rochelle Lieber, Sabine Arndt- Lappe, Antonio Fabregas, Francesca Masini & Christina Gagné. Oxford: OUP. 
  • Ganster, Tammy. 2019. Variation in the Production and Perception of Stress in – able Derivatives. MA thesis, Trier University
  • Ganster, Tammy. 2022. Individual differences and the morphology-phonology interface: Stress placement in English complex words. Conference 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 24-27 August 2022, University of Bucharest.
  • Ganster, Tammy. 2022. Can individual differences in morphological processing explain stress variability in English complex words. Conference 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 19-22 May 2022, University of the Aegean.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Tammy Ganster. 2022. Stress, lexical storage, and the paradigm: evidence from variable alternations. Conference Morphology in Production and Perception (MPP2022), 7-9 February 2022, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Sebastian Hoffmann. 2021. Thirteen men and a
    drunken sailor – revisiting the Principle of Rhythmic Alternation
    through an auditory analysis of authentic spoken language. Paper
    presented at the 6th ISLE Conference (International Society for the
    Linguistics of English)
    , Joenssu (Finland), 2.–6.6.2021.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Melanie Bell. 2020. Linguistic experience shapes
    word-formation patterns: novel formations by native and non-native
    speakers of English. Poster presented at the 19th International
    Morphology Meeting
    . Vienna, 6.-8.2.2020.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2021. Frequency, variability, and the productivity of phonological rules – what can we learn from variable stress alternations in English? Keynote, 18th Annual Meeting of the French Phonology Network (RFP 18 2021), 1.-2.7.2021.
  • Ganster, Tammy. 2021. „The role of individual linguistic experience in the stressing of complex words”, 28th Manchester Phonology Meeting, University of Edinburgh and University of Manchester, England, forthcoming 26–28.03.2021.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2021. Different Lexicons Make Different Rivals. Invited paper presented at the workshop Affix Rivalry. Université de Fribourg, 19.3.2021.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine, Fabian Tomaschek & Robin Schrecklinger. 2020. Stratification effects without morphological strata, syllable counting effects without actual counts, and what’s in a trigram? Paper presented at the 19th International Morphology Meeting (Workshop Implications of Psychocomputational Modelling for Morphological Theory, organised by Marcello Ferro, Claudia Marzi and Vito Pirrelli). Vienna, 6.–8.2.2020.
  • Ganster, Tammy. 2020. “The role of individual linguistic experience in the stressing of complex words”, 16. Tagung zur Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Trier University, Trier, 10.09.2020.
  • Arndt-Lappe, Sabine, Fabian Tomaschek & Robin Schrecklinger. 2019. Modelling English stress assignment from orthography with Naive Discriminative Learning: Morphological and Structural Effects. Paper presented at the International Morphological Processing Conference (MoProc), Tübingen, 4.–7.11.2019.